The Cape Floral Kingdom
The Cape Floral kingdom is one of the most abundant in the world. It plays host to myriad plants, fynbos and herbs as well as a rich and diversified variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects and marine life. For detailed information there are specialist reference publications to be found at books shops and tourist outlets in the bay.
Herbs and Plants
There are about 1 400 flowering species on Table Mountain; some of more sought-after herbs can be found in this neck of the woods. Discover more about the remedial powers wild sage and camphor bush, plus the famed taaibos and gona bush, used by the Khoi to make their hunting bows and arrows; the two plants are always found growing together. Higher up on the slopes of the you’ll find the rooiels, assegai tree, bastard saffron wood, ironwood, Cape beech, Cape holly , stinkwood and maybe even some real yellowwood (podicarpus latifolius).
Prominent Birds
Sunbirds: southern double collared, orange breasted (endemic to fynbos) malachite, cape weaver, cape white eye, cape sugarbird, (Endemic to fynbos ), cape grassbird, cape robin chat, cape batis, southern boubou, olive thrush, African olive pigeon
Birds of prey: Verraux’s black eagle, Jackal buzzard, Forest buzzard, Peregrine falcon, Rock kestrel, Rufous-chested sparrowhawk, African goshawk, Black sparrowhawk,
Marine birds: African black oytercatcher, Cape cormorant, Cape gannet, Kelp gull
Mammals: Baboons, dassies, mongoose, cape clawless otter, caracals, antelope various, cape mountain zebra, eland
Snakes: Cape Cobra, Puff adder, Rinkhals
There are thought to be about 50 caracals on Table Mountain. The Urban Caracal Project, started in 2014 by Dr Laurel Serieys studies the Peninsula’s population.
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